Protecting a business’s online reputation

A healthy online reputation can be a great way to draw attention to a business, it’s offering, and what it stands for. However, negative publicity can equally harm a business and in some instances cause damage that cannot be repaired.

The following strategies can help businesses strengthen and maintain their online reputation.

Create a policy – A handbook on how the company communicates online will help employees understand the company’s standards. Quality training can assistant employees to comprehend how negative reviews need to be professionally addressed.

Report – Encourage employees to report any online activity that they feel goes against the business’s reputation, policy, or procedures.

Follow set procedures – When a review is posted address it quickly and try to move the conversation offline. Always remain polite and professional when addressing customer concerns. Some form of compensation should be offered to the customer which encourages them to re-experience the business.

Use a wide range of networks – Placing the business on social media sites and other private review websites such as, TripAdvisor, and Yelp can help alert a business when a review has been posted while reducing the number of views.

Learn from competitor mistakes – Learning from a business’s competitors can help a business create policies that reduce errors and improve customer relationships. 

Admit mistakes – Disgruntled customers dislike businesses that offer excuses for their mistakes. Instead, start by apologizing and look at options on how the problem can be rectified.

Revdex is a new online business directory. Consumers can post a review for any business, even if there is not an existing profile. Businesses can create their own profiles and respond to reviews. Revdex tries to provide a positive experience both for consumers and businesses. 

Consumers can post negative business reviews and report online shopping scams.

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